Earn by converting CAPTCHA images into text.

Encoding is one of the easiest ways of earning money online. But easy doesn’t mean easily earn money without having to lift-up-a-finger-easy. Of course you would have to do your part as well.

How does it work?

Megatypers is a captcha encoding website where you have to convert captcha images into text. You can earn depending on how much work you have provided, so the more captcha images that you convert, the more you earn.

Tip: If you want to earn more, go to your Profile and Payments Tab and enable Smart-Captchas.

If you have basic English skills. This will let you receive images that require a logical (usually the answer to a question) response. Typers that can correctly solve Smart-CAPTCHAs have a higher earning potential.

Mode of Payment

Payment ranges from $0.45 to $1.50 for 1000 images typed. Now 1000 images seems a lot but not exactly. Just imagine having an encoding job as admin staff where you have to encode 14 columns and 500 rows of data. That’s 14 x 500 = 7000 captcha images already. So 7000 X $10.50 = Php 500.00.

You also have an option to get paid through bit coins (BTC). All you need is a bit coin wallet. Check my post on how to create a bit coin wallet by clicking here. This will take you to my Coins.ph Review where I provide the steps on how to sign up so you can have your very own bit coin wallet address.

How do you get paid?

Mega typers pay through Paypal, Perfect Money, Liberty Reserve and Western Union. Paypal is recommended, plus if you have a mobile Paypal app, you can transfer funds on the go.

How to sign up?

  1. Go to Mega Typers’ sign up page.

    Sign Up!

  2. Complete the registration.
  3. Enter my invitation code: D3GV

*Megatyper is by invitation only to filter aspiring earners from scammers.

  1. Optional: Once you have completed your registration, go to Profile Payments and enable Smart-CAPTCHAS to have higher earnings.
  2. Start Earning.

How to Start Working?

  1. On your dashboard click on Start Working.


2. Type the text as shown and press enter. The images will start automatically.


3. Images are case sensitive so make sure to give your full attention.


4. Type fast and don’t let the timer run out.

5. When you want to take a break you can always click on submit and pause.


I just started, so here’s what you would normally see when you are working.



Typing 1000 captchas so you can earn seems impossible but it really isn’t. Here’s a screenshot of what I have typed in 30 minutes. I can’t spend that much work typing the captchas because I have a realtime job – but I just wanted to show you that I’m doing it too.


Interested? Sign Up!

Invitation Code: D3GV